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dispersed heat中文是什么意思

用"dispersed heat"造句"dispersed heat"怎么读"dispersed heat" in a sentence


  • 散失的热量


  • Auto extend temperature design , apheliotropic heating and disperse heating mode , quick startup in low temperature
  • The main fabric is linen , " the queen of yarns , " which is highly efficient in absorbing moisture and dispersing heat , and is also resistant to decay and bacterial build - up . the fabric is of a knit construction and its linen yarn is mixed with viscose rayon , providing a soft , smooth texture . this new series of men s fashions is also highly ventilating and crease - resistant
    Sm天衣新近推出新浪漫亚麻夏日男装系列,采用具有良好吸湿散热防腐和抗菌等功能的纺织原料皇后亚麻为主要素材,混以触感柔顺光滑的人造丝viscose rayon ,并特别采用针织方式,使这系列男装更展现出透气凉爽不易皱褶的特性。
用"dispersed heat"造句  
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